ATARC Cloud & Data Center Working Group Update

Below are the topics and themes that the ATARC Cloud Working Group leadership would like to focus on for the remainder of 2019.
**Please complete the contact form below if you have any speakers to recommend who could speak to the topics/themes below (either industry or federal):
  • System of Record (CDM, DCOI, CMDB)
    • How agencies can track items like their service or application inventory? Agencies will struggle to optimize their infrastructure if they struggle to know what they have to start with.
  • Continuous Improvement
    • What are the practices, beyond using scorecards, that agencies can use to promote CI?
  • Resource training
    • What resources are available to agencies to prepare their workforce for major infrastructure projects like cloud migration? Without proper training or access to resources, agencies will struggle to ensure their workforce is able to sustain any major technological initiatives.
  • Certification
    • What types of certifications should agencies encourage their workforce acquire, where can they find it, and how do agencies know if the certifications are the right ones?
  • Change Management
    • What are the processes agencies should improve or the cultural elements to consider when promoting or instituting infrastructure optimization? Optimization is a technology challenge, but missing the people and process part will only stifle success.
  • Full Process Flow (CDCI)
    • How can agencies ensure that there is strong connective tissue between all of the initiatives on optimization? Agencies have focused on issues like DevOps or Agile, but there is a lot of overlapping areas between these concepts and if agencies cannot see the bigger picture, they will miss out on the full breadth of benefits.
  • Individual Services (HR, NewPay, etc)
    • What are the new areas or developments around individual services in relation to optimization? For example, entities like can play a major role in optimization efforts, but  agencies may not know what other offerings are out there and how to best integrate them.
  • Industry Use Cases for DevSecOps to Accelerate Cloud Adoption
    • We are seeking use cases from industry regarding the role of DevSecOps in accelerating Cloud Adoption. If you have experience and are willing to share, please submit by utilizing the contact form below.

Contact Form

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