Carlo Lucchesi
Deputy Assistant Director
IT Management Division (ITMD)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
U.S. Department of Justice
Carlo Lucchesi currently serves as the FBI’s Chief of Enterprise Operations, responsible for providing timely, on-site and remote IT services for 40K+ FBI, task force and contractor customers, worldwide. This includes support to 95 FBI facilities in the Washington D.C. area; 56 Field Offices; over 200 Resident Agencies and off-sites and 89 Legal Attache’ Offices at Embassy posts.
Carlo also manages the FBI’s Help Desk, IT problem escalation and resolution at Tiers 1 and 2, delivering reliable, effective and fiscally responsible technical solutions to FBI’s Field Agents and analysts. Past assignments included: Associate CIO for Innovation and Technology; Assistant Director of the IT Engineering Division and Office of IT Policy and Planning, as well as serving as Deputy Assistant Director of the IT Management Division.
He joined the FBI in 1993, contributing to successful development and deployment of the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), the FBI’s $640 million Presidential Priority Program that modernized our fingerprint identification services. Carlo ran the IAFIS connectivity assistance program for state, federal and FBI field office users and served as the U.S. delegate to the Interpol AFIS Expert Group, representing the FBI’s information sharing requirements for international interoperability and the exchange of fingerprint standards and data.
Early in his career as a private industry consultant, Carlo was responsible for managing and coordinating diverse military projects. Before retirement as a Commander in the Naval Reserve, he served with the Defense Intelligence Agency’s European Operations Directorate and as Assistant Naval Attaché to Rome, Italy.
A graduate of Middlebury College, Carlo is married with three children, two in college. He spends too little time on his hobbies, which are: attempting to stay fit, family activities, travel, reading, cooking, and international soccer.