Denise Hill
Senior Technical Advisor
U.S. Department of Energy
Denise Hill serves as the Senior Technical Advisor for the Department of Energy (DOE), where she leads comprehensive, agency-wide efforts to effectively design develop and execute programs that effectively enhance meeting DOE mission needs she is currently the DOE IPv6 Transition Manager and is leading the development and implementation of the Program Management Office services within the Office of the Chief Information Officer.
Denise has served as a senior advisor with a successful record for development and implementation of Departmental information management tools, products, and capabilities in support of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, social networking, Google Mail, collaboration, web conferencing and video streaming to name a few.
In prior positions, she established the DOE Open Government Program and served as the DOE’s Director, IT Capital Planning and Architecture responsible for DOE’s $2.1B IT Portfolio, Consolidated Infrastructure program, Information Sharing Environment, and the Department’s Enterprise Architecture programs.
Prior to coming to DOE, Denise worked for the Department of Education Federal Student Aid and the Social Security Administration in variety of leadership and managerial positions.
Denise is a Past President of GITEC, an ACT-IAC Fellow, and enjoys volunteering.