John Sprague
Deputy Associate Chief Information Officer
Technology & Innovation Division
Office of the Chief Information Officer
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
John Sprague is the Deputy Associate Chief Information Officer for the Technology and Innovation Division in the Office of the Chief Information Officer at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC.
John is responsible for new projects, development and implementation of the OCIO’s innovation program in support of all NASA’s missions. He develops new technology infusion, data science and digital innovation projects and prototypes, using assessments and best practices affecting over 60,000 scientists, researchers, and University partners.
He previously served as the Acting Associate CIO, Technology & Innovation Division, and Chief Technology Officer for IT, where he worked with Center CTOs developing new technology infusion, data science and digital innovation projects and prototypes, using assessments and best practices affecting over 60,000 scientists, researchers, and University partners.
John has extensive IT experience, and has run help desks at Department of Defense (Office of the Secretary of Defense, DISA’s Joint Staff Support Center, Army’s IT Agency) and FBI, and set up the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s help desk and the NASA’s Enterprise Service Desk.
A Fellow of the American Council for Technology/Industry Advisory Council, he is an occasional host, speaker and awards judge for the National Capital Region Help Desk Institute (HDI). John also teaches Cybersecurity Masters courses including an online Use and Protection of Space Assets class he wrote.
John has a Master’s Degree in Computer Resource and Information Management; a Bachelor’s in Industrial Technology Engineering and is a retired Air Force Officer where he was deployed after 9/11 to support European operations, and for 6 months in the Kingdom of Bahrain with visits to Egypt and Kuwait and a deployment to Kosovo/Macedonia.