Suro Sen
President, SENTECH Corporation
Suro Sen is the president of Sentech Corporation, which is a federal government contractor providing IT and Mobile Security Services within the federal agencies. With a BS in Electrical Engineering, MBA in Finance, and twenty plus years of experience as an engineer/cybersecurity expert in wireless industry and federal government, Suro is highly skilled in wireless, mobile, and security spaces. Suro assists DHS Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and GSA Enterprise Mobility Programs with mobile and mobile security programs. Suro is assisting multiple federal agencies solve enterprise mobile challenges, including mobile device, mobile application, and mobile network security. Suro also assists with multiple 5G R&D initiatives across government. Suro is one of the founding members of the Federal Mobility Group, which is chartered under the Federal CIO Council, assisting federal agencies solve common mobility challenges by bringing industry, academia, and federal agencies together.