MITRE/ATARC Cloud Collaboration Symposium White Paper

July 23, 2015


Cloud Challenge Areas

  • DevOps and Automation in the Cloud
  • Integration Services and Migration Aids
  • Acquisition and Contracting for Cloud Services
  • Data Interchange in Federated Clouds

Recommendations to Government
Primarily, the cultural barriers to cloud adoption are no longer as big of a barrier as reported in previous summits, indicating that the decision makers and cloud practitioners are beginning to understand the value and challenges of leveraging cloud computing in the government from each others’ levels.

Further, success stories are beginning to emerge (outside of the fringe cases) of cloud adoption. Processes and policies are being shared, and while these success stories, processes, and policies may be difficult to tailor to new use cases and needs or applicable to all government agencies, they are still indicative of progress within the cloud community.