Standards Crosswalk Presentation
Presented by the ATARC SCRM Working GroupSupply Chain Risk Management has emerged as a matter of critical national importance, and it is a topic of significant complexity. Increasing this complexity has been the cyber-hygiene element that has emerged as a stated issue. The group who came together are a mix of industry and government IT experts, procurement and supply chain experts, and security and standards experts who are intimately tapped in to the current initiatives at an agency and government-wide level. With the knowledge of what the SCRM standards were, the consensus was that it would be helpful to account for any that are applicable by NIST.  The ISO 20243 standards administered by The Open Group are current commercial standards utilized by industry, and they are referenced in NIST documentation. So how are these standards mapped? That was the initial question to vet the standards use and utility as applied to the NIST 800-161 SCRM recommendations.