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Submit your request for the credits collected through the DoD Zero Trust Symposium from April 2-3, 2024!

Please fill out the below form to request a CPE Certificate. ATARC will process the requests and email certificates within a week (dependent on initial volume of requests). 

The questions below help verify your attendance in conjunction with responses from the polling questions. 
The organizers have heard your feedback regarding the accessibility of the polling question format. The amount of polling questions answered assists organizers in verifying the duration of your attendance. 
BUT it is not the only method used for verification. We also process the amount of time you are shown in the session, Q&A’s submitted, and tracking email correspondence. 
We understand that there were technical issues with the questions and want to assure you that is NOT the only method we use to track engagement. 
There is an optional section for feedback on the event in a second section. Let us know your thoughts!Â