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ATARC's Federal Zero Trust Summit

October 3, 2024, 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM ET | Carahsoft Collaboration Center - Reston, VA

6.0 CPE Credits Available for this Event***


7:30 AM

Registration   |    Breakfast


8:25 AM

Summit Chair

Dr. Amy Hamilton

Dr. Amy Hamilton

Faculty Chair, National Defense University


8:45 AM

Keynote Speaker

Hemant Baidwan

Hemant Baidwan

Chief Information Security Officer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (invited)


9:05 AM

Navigating Cyber Threat Intelligence: A Federal Perspective

Amidst the ever-shifting digital terrain, federal agencies confront a multitude of cyber challenges, necessitating a proactive stance towards resilience. As cyber threats evolve, agencies must continuously adapt their defenses, remaining vigilant against emerging risks and vulnerabilities. Compliance and regulatory frameworks further complicate the landscape, demanding constant policy refinement to uphold standards and safeguard sensitive information.

Effective incident response and crisis management are paramount, enabling swift mitigation of cyber threats to minimize disruption and restore operational integrity. Additionally, investing in cybersecurity infrastructure emerges as a strategic priority, requiring allocation of resources towards bolstering security capabilities, personnel training, and adoption of innovative technologies. In this environment, a holistic approach to cyber resilience is indispensable.

Join us as esteemed federal officials share insights into navigating the complexities of cyber resilience, illuminating key milestones in their journey and offering invaluable best practices for fortifying federal networks in an era of relentless cyber challenges.

Donald Bauer

Donald Bauer

Chief Technology Officer, Office of Technology Services, Global Talent Management, Executive Office, U.S. Department of State

Nicole Willis

Nicole Willis

Deputy Chief Information Officer, U.S. National Archives and Records

Frank Indiviglio

Frank Indiviglio

Chief Technology Officer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


10:50 AM

Strengthening Federal Cybersecurity: Zero Trust and Identity

In today’s cyber threat landscape, safeguarding critical federal assets requires a strategic overhaul. Zero Trust Architecture and identity management are pivotal in bolstering federal cyber defenses. This discussion explores their crucial roles in mitigating evolving cyber risks within the federal landscape.
Zero Trust principles advocate for continuous verification of every user, device, and network component, transcending traditional perimeter-based security. By assuming a hostile environment and enforcing strict access controls, ZT minimizes the attack surface, enhancing resilience against all threats. Effective identity management, including multi-factor authentication and least privilege access, is crucial in Zero Trust implementation.

Keegan Mills

Keegan Mills

Engineering IT & Cyber Technology Lead, Marine Corps Systems Command, U.S. Marine Corps

Landon Van Dyke

Landon Van Dyke

Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of State

Wayne Rodgers

Wayne Rodgers

Zero Trust Lead, Office of the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of Education (invited)


11:40 AM

Lunch in the Emerging Technology Showcase



12:55 PM

Visionary Keynote Briefing

Lynette Sherrill

Lynette Sherrill

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Information Security & Chief Information Security Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (invited)


1:20 PM

Future of Federal Cybersecurity: Zero Trust and AI Integration

In the ongoing battle against cyber threats, the fusion of Zero Trust principles and AI represents a critical frontier for federal cybersecurity. Our experts discuss how the integration of AI technologies can help systematically elevate cyber maturity across government agencies. This includes highlighting and exploring the synergies between ZT and AI to identify their pivotal roles in fortifying defenses against evolving cyber threats.

The integration of AI and ZT fosters a proactive security culture within government agencies, emphasizing the adoption of Zero Trust principles as fundamental to resilience. Through continuous verification of user identities and rigorous enforcement of access controls, ZT architectures reduce the attack surface and bolster defense capabilities. Additionally, AI-driven advancements empower defenders to swiftly detect and respond to threats, enhancing the efficacy of Zero Trust frameworks in protecting vital assets.

Our intention is to delve into the challenges and opportunities of integrating ZT and AI in federal cybersecurity. Panelists will share practical experiences, best practices, and strategies for navigating the complexities of adoption. Join us as we unravel the potential of ZT and AI to bolster federal cybersecurity resilience, securing the nation’s digital infrastructure against emerging threats and ensuring a safer future for all.

Suman Shukla

Suman Shukla

Deputy Director, Product Management Division, Library of Congress!

Shery Thomas

Shery Thomas

Cyber Technology Officer, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Information Command, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command, U.S. Marine Corps

Katerina Megas

Katerina Megas

Program Manager, Cybersecurity for IoT, National Institute of Standards and Technology (invited)


2:35 PM

Cyber Resilience: Cultivating a Zero Trust Culture

In today’s digital realm, federal agencies grapple with an array of cyber threats, underscoring the need for proactive measures to bolster resilience. As cyber adversaries adapt and multiply, agencies must adopt an agile approach, constantly honing their defenses to thwart emerging risks and vulnerabilities. The complex landscape of compliance further compounds the challenge, necessitating policy evolution to uphold standards and safeguard sensitive data.

The swift and efficient response to cyber incidents is paramount. Timely action enables agencies to swiftly address threats and restore normalcy. Moreover, strategic investments in cybersecurity tools and training are imperative for maintaining robust defenses. This entails allocating resources towards enhanced security measures, staff training initiatives, and leveraging cutting-edge technologies. In an era of rapid change, adopting a comprehensive approach to cyber resilience is indispensable.

Join us as federal experts delve into the nuances of navigating cyber threats, emphasizing the pivotal role of training and cultivating adept leadership in Zero Trust implementation within agencies. They will shed light on the transformative journey and share invaluable best practices for fostering a culture conducive to ZT adoption, both at large and small scales, within federal networks.

Dr. Amy Hamilton

Dr. Amy Hamilton

Faculty Chair, National Defense University

Heather Kowalski

Heather Kowalski

Chief Information Officer, Interpol, U.S. Department of Justice (invited)

Alyssa Feola

Alyssa Feola

Cybersecurity Advisor Technology Transformation Services, Federal Acquisition Service, U.S. General Services Administration (invited)


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*** ATARC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org. Program Level: Overview, no prerequisites required. Advance preparation: none. Delivery Method: Group Live. Field of Study: Information Technology. Registration #140762. In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour. Refund, cancellation and complaint resolution policy.