Quantum Speaker Series Presents: Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence Use Cases
April 8th, 2025 | 1:30-2:00 PM ET
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Elizabeth Iwasawa
Director, Quantum Technologies, Leidos
The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Computing (QC) blends the long-established successes of AI with the new computational capabilities of QC. The two technologies have great promise to compliment and augment each other’s performance. This talk will focus on four potential synergies between QC and AI developed by experts in both fields during a QED-C workshop on QC/AI: novel solutions and applications beyond those currently feasible with classical computing, AI for QC use case identification, AI to accelerate both QC and quantum technologies at large, and technical advances for QC and AI integration for joint application. Measures of success are discussed to understand the highest potential impact use cases, and we cover lessons learned from AI to speed the development and adoption of QC.
Dr. Elizabeth Iwasawa is the Director of Quantum Technologies, driving Leidos’ quantum strategy and internal research portfolio, focusing on key development areas in quantum communications, sensing, photonics, and post-quantum security, integrated with Leidos’ distinguished cybersecurity, defense, and intelligence portfolios. Her other focus is fostering Leidos’ quantum workforce by investing internally across a wide variety of technical backgrounds to develop a unique multi-disciplinary and industry-applicable approach to quantum research.

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