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Intelligent Data: The Key to Cyber Resilience

In partnership with IT and Cloud Management, Optimization and Solutions | Flexera

March 28, 2024, 1:30-2:30 PM ET 

1 CPE Credit Available for this Event*** 


In today’s increasingly interconnected digital era, our nation faces unprecedented cyber risks. Despite the apparent simplicity of our world, technology continues to grow more intricate, amplifying the threats we encounter. Both external and internal cyber threats are escalating, compounded by reductions in IT budgets redirected to support global conflicts. Our digital supply chains, reliant on IT infrastructure, are prime targets for hackers seeking to exploit obsolete or unidentified technology assets within organizations.

The prevalence of open-source software adds another layer of complexity. Shockingly, nearly 70 percent of organizations lack comprehensive policies for managing open-source usage, identifying associated security vulnerabilities, and adhering to licensing requirements. Apart from security concerns, there are financial risks associated with overspending and overuse, diverting resources from mission-focused innovation projects. Even with the implementation of Zero Trust initiatives, understanding your digital inventory and continuous risk monitoring remain crucial. It’s evident that comprehensive intelligence on assets and licensing expenditure is paramount for mitigating risk, optimizing operations, and supporting mission objectives. 

This session will delve into thought leadership and best practices for leveraging intelligent data to fortify your defenses, manage risks, control costs, and ensure readiness aligned with your mission. Adaptability and flexibility are key in addressing evolving threats in the digital age.

Tune into this webinar to hear Federal IT experts explore strategies to leverage intelligent data to fortify your defenses, manage risks, control costs, and ensure readiness aligned with your mission. In the dynamic digital landscape, adaptability and flexibility are paramount in effectively addressing evolving cyber threats.

Jorge Laurel

Jorge Laurel

Chief, Enduring Security Framework, Cybersecurity Collaboration Center, National Security Agency

Keegan Mills

Keegan Mills

Engineering and Cyber Technology, Lead Marine Corps Systems Command, U.S. Marine Corps

Brian Hermann

Brian Hermann

Cyber Security and Analytics Director, Defense Information Systems Agency, U.S. Department of Defense

John Zangardi

John Zangardi

CEO, Redhorse Corporation

Alyssa Feola

Alyssa Feola

Cybersecurity Advisor, General Services Administration

Amy Hamilton

Amy Hamilton

Senior Cybersecurity Advisor Policy and Programs, Office of Cybersecurity and CISO, Office of the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of Energy

Josh Fraser

Josh Fraser

Senior VP Global Solutions Engineering, Customer Success, and Technical Support, Flexera

Moderator: Kiersten Patton

Moderator: Kiersten Patton

ATARC Consultant

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*** ATARC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org. Program Level: Overview, no prerequisites required. Advance preparation: none. Delivery Method: Group Internet Based. Field of Study: Information Technology. Registration #140762. In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour. Refund, cancellation and complaint resolution policy.