An Overview of the Mobile Security Ecosystem

Federal Mobility Metrics Working Group 

September 2021

The Federal CIO Council established the Federal Mobility Group (FMG) and tasked it with improving cybersecurity, governance, and accountability for federal mobile device usage and programs.

The Federal Mobility Group (FMG) believes that agencies and departments can use a combination of mobile security elements in the ecosystem to produce better outcomes for managing the risk of using mobile device assets to access agency resources while also protecting user privacy. A desired outcome of this paper is to increase federal agencies’ knowledge and awareness of currently available mobile security features and tools to help reduce risk from using mobile devices.

This paper describes the security features of the mobile security management ecosystem (tools, technologies, products, and services) and aims to provide initial guidance that facilitates agencies’ development of enterprise-wide mobile security strategy and policy, including a program for mobile Government Furnished Equipment (GFE).