White Paper: Realizing the HSPD-12 Interoperability Vision

White Paper: Realizing the HSPD-12 Interoperability Vision Increase Efficiencies and Establish Collaboration Across Federal Identity and Credential Management Implementations ATARC Identity Management Working Group   |    April 2022 Download White Paper Submit Comment...

The Orion JK21 Collaboration for Agile ATO: OSCAL, SDP, TIC 3.0, SAF

The Orion JK21 Collaboration for Agile ATO: OSCAL, SDP, TIC 3.0, SAF 2022 ATARC Cloud Security Working Group Report ATARC Cloud Security Working Group March 2022 In September 2019, ATARC launched several Cloud Computing Working Groups, each focusing on distinct areas...

The Case for a Data Stewardship-First Approach to Zero Trust

The Case for a Data Stewardship-First Approach to Zero Trust The Emery Group February 2022 The first tenet of Zero Trust is to “assume breach”. But why are the first seventeen actions required by OMB driving Federal agencies to spend additional money and staff time in...

White Paper: Increasing Security and Reducing Compliance Risk

White Paper: Increasing Security and Reducing Compliance Risk Summary of Roundtable, hosted by ATARC on December 1, 2021 It has become evident that allocating time for compliance while simultaneously mitigating security risks and providing high customer value is a...