Cloud Safe Task Force: Delivering the National Cyber Feed
July 1, 2024, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ETEvent Overview
The Cloud Safe Task Force (CSTF) recommends establishing a National Cyber Feed (NCF) —
a public-private collaborative effort for comprehensive situational awareness of cyber threats
and responses, fed by real-time security information from major U.S. cloud service providers
(CSPs) and used by leading federal cybersecurity organizations including the Office of the
National Cyber Director (ONCD), Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer/ Office of
Management and Budget (OFCIO/OMB), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM).
This meeting of the CSTF will address vital requirements for making the NCF a reality. Read our most recent paper outlining our recommendations.
This virtual event is open to anyone who wants to contribute their ideas or has an interest in learning
more about government cloud security.
1:00 PM
Registration  |  Opening Remarks

David Powner
Executive Director, Center for Data-Driven Policy, MITRE
1:05 PM
Fireside Chat: State of Cloud Security: Does the Nation Need Hyper Scaler Cyber Feeds?

Dr. Mari Spina
Senior Principal Cyber Security Engineer, MITRE

John Weiler
Chief Executive Officer, IT Acquisition Advisory Council

John Bergin
Director of Federal, Microsoft Digital Security and Risk, Microsoft

John Yeoh
Global Vice President of Research, Cloud Security Alliance

Moderator: David Powner
Executive Director, Center for Data-Driven Policy, MITRE
1:25 PM
Presentation: Best Practices in Cloud Security and Risk Monitoring

Chris Saunders
Public Sector SE Leader, Wiz

1:50 PM
2:00 PM
Visionary Panel: Requirements and Organizational Participants for an Effective National Cybersecurity Feed (NCF) from Real-Time Hyper-Scaler Feeds

Maj. Julian Petty
Cyber Warfare Officer, USCYBERCOM, U.S. Army Cyber Command, U.S. Department of Defense

Mitch Herckis
Global Head of Government Affairs, Wiz

Dave Catanoso
Director (A), Application hosting, Cloud and Edge Solutions, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Steve Samoranski
Technology Director, Account Technology Leaders- Federal Defense & Intelligence, IBM

Moderator: Dr. Mari Spina
Senior Principal Cyber Security Engineer, MITRE
2:50 PM
3:00 PM
Visionary Panel: Industry Protections and Policies Necessary to Enable Real-Time Hyper-Scaler
Reporting for a National Cybersecurity Feed (NCF)

John Bergin
Director of Federal, Microsoft Digital Security and Risk, Microsoft

Vikram Khare
Director, Continuous Assurance Engineering, Google

Harry Wingo
Assistant Professor, National Defense University

Steve Derr
Vice President, Cloud Operations & Engineering, Oracle

Moderator: Katy Warren
Senior Principal and Department Manager, MITRE
3:50 PM
Closing Remarks
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