Corporate  Membership

ATARC Corporate Memberships offer exclusive privileges, granting members direct entry into to our highly-acclaimed Working Groups, as well as privileged access to the GITEC Conference, ATARC’s flagship Federal IT symposium in Charlottesville, VA. ATARC Corporate Members have access to key Government decision-makers and subject matter experts, providing unique opportunities for collaboration on crucial IT topics. ATARC Corporate Members also receive distinct brand exposure from ATARC conferences, roundtables, webinars and working group meetings, positioning the members as thought leaders within the Federal IT community.

Benefits of ATARC Corporate Membership

Government Access

Government-led ATARC Working Groups

Only corporate members can participate in more than a dozen ATARC Working Groups, collaborating with Federal SMEs on key topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity & Zero Trust.

Government-led ATARC Labs

Only corporate members can participate in ATARC Labs, including the ATARC Zero Trust Lab, which provides Government with demonstrations of Zero Trust technical architecture.

Government-led GITEC Conference

Only corporate members can participate in the GITEC Conference, ATARC’s exclusive annual symposium in Charlottesville, VA, featuring a robust program of more than 30 Federal speakers.

Government-partnered ATARC Programs

Only corporate members can participate in ATARC events held in partnership with Federal agencies conducting market research.

Brand Exposure

ATARC Daily Newsletter

Company recognized as Member of the Week in daily ATARC newsletter reaching 25,000+ Government and industry readers

ATARC Events

Company logo shown during program at GITEC Conference and all ATARC Federal IT Summit Series events

ATARC Website

Company logo and dedicated company page for collateral & White Papers on ATARC Website

Complimentary Attendance & Sponsor Discounts

ATARC Federal IT Summit Series

Two complimentary passes for all ATARC Summits

Sponsorship discounts (25%) for every ATARC Summit

ATARC Roundtables & Webinars

Sponsorship discounts (25%) for ATARC Roundtables & Webinars

ATARC Members

Tim Harvey

Tim Harvey

Director, Government Engagement

For more information regarding ATARC’s Corporate Membership, reach out to Tim Harvey via email at or by phone at 703-598-1499.